Substantiating rational parameters of a method for shrinkage ore stoping while developing thin- vein steeply inclined deposits

Shyrin, Leonid
Koroviaka, Yevhenii
Rastsvietaiev, Valerii
Denyshchenko, Oleksandr
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Objective of the paper is to substantiate rational ore-stoping
technique while using small wells in the context of thin-vein steeply
inclined deposit mining. The technique is based upon the repeated field
studies and simulation of ore drawing processes for shrinkage ore stoping
in terms of the oriented drilling of periphery holes. A design of a blast-hole
charge with low-density porous intermediate layer has been proposed as a
result as well as a mechanism of shock-wave propagation within rock mass
in the process of thin steeply inclined vein stoping. Scientific novelty is
represented by means of analytical results of scientific sources, and
dependences of ore losses on the vein wall hypsometry resulting from
shrinkage stoping in the context of the technique being proposed. Practical
relevance is to substantiate rational parameters of the ore-stoping technique
being proposed. The technique involves designs of blast-hole charges with
low-density porous intermediate layer in stemming. Moreover, the
technique proposes to place the intermediate low-density stemming layer
right after a blast hole was charged with explosives and live primers were