Destabilization of the hard coal microstructure by a weak electric field

Molchanov, Oleksandr
Rudakov, Dmytro
Soboliev, Valerii
Kamchatnyi, Oleksii
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
This study aims to analyse physical and chemical changes in
hard coal samples under the influence of low-intensity electric fields in
comparison to the fragments of ejected coal, as well as the coal samples
selected from the zones of high and low outburst hazard. We used physical
methods including X-raying, electron paramagnetic resonance, thermo-
gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, laser diffraction
analysis of particle sizes, IR-spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance,
and Raman spectroscopy. It has been shown that destruction of coal
organic matter (COM) can be caused not only by mechanical impacts or
thermal influences but also weak electric fields. Scientific novelty consists
in the fact that for the first time we established the identity of the COM
destruction mechanism of mechanical-chemical activation and weak
electric fields influencing on the previously destabilized coal
microstructure. The destruction mechanism is based on thermal field
regularities in both cases. The results obtained are of practical significance
for the technologies of coal conversion to other products. The research
results can be useful in the development of methods for reducing outburst
hazard in coal mines.