Results of the experimental research of the heat-transfer jet pressure to the rock surface during thermal reaming of the borehole

Voloshyn, Oleksii
Potapchuk, Iryna
Zhevzhyk, Oleksandr
Zhovtonoha, Mykola
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The performed analysis of scientific sources confirms the
existence of a small number of publications devoted to the experimental
research of the gasdynamics and plasmodynamics of jets used as a heat-
transfer medium in the thermal methods of mine rocks destruction. There
are almost no experimental and theoretical publications related to the
multiple-jet plasmotrons research. The expediency of own experimental
researches performing has been substantiated concerning the lateral inflow
of heat-transfer medium high-speed jets on the borehole surface. An
experimental research has been made of the interaction between the heat-
transfer medium high-speed jets and the surface of the borehole imitated
by the through duct. The further prospects of this work are the following:
to determine the gas velocity along the lateral surface of the through duct
and the value of the heating capacity coefficient from the heat-transfer
medium to the lateral surface of the through duct, which imitates the rock
surface in the borehole. These parameters are required for creating a
mathematical model of the brittle destruction of rocks.