Aboveground storage of hydrocarbon gas hydrates

Zotsenko, Mykola
Pedchenko, Larysa
Manhura, Andrii
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The work objective is to substantiate the technical bases for the
production of gas hydrate blocks directly on-site for further transportation
and storage in above ground storages, as an alternative to transporting and
storing gas in underground gas storages. The theoretical bases have been
considered and processes of gas hydrate blocks producing, physical-
mechanical characteristics of artificial hydrates with the purpose of
determining the conditions of their storage and prolonged storage were
tested in laboratory conditions. The construction of above ground gas
hydrate storage in the form of a building, partially deepened in a ground,
which is separated from the environment by a wall of gravel cement
elements made by the mixing method were substantiated. It is proved that
such a constructive solution for a long-term storage of gas hydrate blocks
is the most economical in terms of energy consumption to maintain
internal negative temperature.