Scientific-practical results of monitoring anthropogenic influence upon environment of mining territories

Kachurin, Nikolay
Komaschenko, Vitaliy
Golik, Vladimir
Morkun, Volodymyr
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The objective of this paper is to improve the ecological
monitoring system and to take effective technological measures by way of
wastes neutralization. The scientific-practical results of monitoring the
anthropogenic influence upon the environment of mining-industrial
territories were discussed. The global environmental problems of modernity
are connected only with the anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere.
Pollution by hazardous substances at various enterprises harms health and
disrupts the dynamic balance of natural systems. It is especially typical for
mining-industrial region territories. The solution of the problem of
environmentally optimal distributing resources for industrial enterprises of
the mining-industrial region will allow making maximal profit from each
enterprise by assumption of reducing anthropogenic influence upon
environment up to the maximum permissible value, which is specified by
normative documents. The patterns of formation of mining enterprises
influence consequences on the atmosphere have been improved with the use
of experimental and theoretical studies and in order to optimize the resources
distribution for preventive measures, which can ensure the atmospheric
safety of the mining-industrial region. The proposed methodological
principles for a comprehensive assessment of the atmosphere of the mining-
industrial region allow to implement an integrated approach to forecasting
the intensity of atmospheric pollution, the economic efficiency of production
and atmospheric air condition control, using the basic requirements of the
environmental imperative for the territory under consideration.