Recommended and experimental values of the earth surface shift troughs parameters when conducting the stope works

Filatiev, Mykhailo
Filatieva, Elvira
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The correspondence of angular and linear parameters of the
undermined rocks displacement and the crustal movement to their values
determined according to the normative document has been established.
Based on the surveying observations over the reference points movement
on the earth surface and the stope face advance, the empirical curve of the
trajectory of the earth surface maximum subsidence is determined from the
points of maximum subsidence. The curve of the maximum subsidence of
the earth surface points when removing the stope face from the face entry
has been experimentally established, which allowed to determine the
location of the point of the beginning of the crustal movement and the
dimension of the stope mine working corresponding to this situation. The
coordinates of the characteristic points of the earth surface subsidence
above the stope face have been determined. A unified method has been
developed for determining the angular and linear parameters of the
undermined rocks displacement for the two stages of shift troughs
formation on the earth surface. The nonconformities have been established
between the recommended parameters and the experimental data normative
documents during the anthracite seams mining.