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dc.contributor.authorGogo, V. B.
dc.contributor.authorPodkopaev, C. V.
dc.contributor.authorMykhailov, A. I.
dc.contributor.authorPatokin, R.V.
dc.identifier.citationGogo V. B. Prospects of the hydraulic air conditioning of mold air on the basis of pulse wave effects / V. B. Gogo, C. V. Podkopaev, A. I. Mykhailov, R.V. Patokin // Форум гірників – 2019 : матеріали міжнар. наук.-техн. конф., 26-27 верес. 2019 р. До 120-річчя заснування Університету. – Дніпро : Журфонд, 2019. – С. 316-321.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe results of analytical and technical substantiation of promising solutions for the development of tools for hydraulic conditioning of mine air in deep mine conditions that combine cooling and purification of air based on pulse-wave effects created by diffuser and confuser elements are presented.ru_RU
dc.titleProspects of the hydraulic air conditioning of mold air on the basis of pulse wave effectsru_RU

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