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dc.contributor.authorShabanova, Yuliia
dc.identifier.citationYuliia Shabanova The requested modes of cultural dialogicity in the context of theosophical worldview / Yuliia Shabanova // Діалог культур як виклик часу : матеріали щорічної наук. міждисциплінарної конф. "Духовні аспекти сучасного світорозуміння", присвяченій 128-річниці пам'яті О. П. Блаватської, 120-річчю НТУ "Дніпровська політехніка", 8 травня 2019 р., м. Дніпро. – Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2019. – С. 55-58.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractTheosophy, which persists itself in the depths of any culture of mankind, fulfills the mission of maintaining universal integrity on the path of evolutionary development. In any period of the development of the Eastern or Western culture, the Theosophical core, in the form of an ideological, philosophical basis manifests its ideas through the facets of manifestation of absolute truth. It is logical that the civilization of mankind has a universal model of cultural development, enriched in manifestations of unique demonstrtions of cultural achievements. This model is based on the consistent implementation of linearly implemented stages in the form of: syncretism-differentiation-synthesis. The modern world is at the stage of the expected synthesis, as a new quality of holistic being, meaning the gathering of holonomic unity. In this regard, the Theosophy, not only in esoteric forms implicitly represented in the depths of the culture of the West and the East, but in the form of self-sufficient modern teaching, can give mankind universal conceptions and life practices of the implementation of cultural dialogue.ru_RU
dc.publisherНТУ "ДП"ru_RU
dc.titleThe requested modes of cultural dialogicity in the context of theosophical worldviewru_RU

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