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dc.contributor.authorKeppler, Jan Jelle
dc.identifier.citationKeppler Jan Jelle. Why to be vegetarian? / Jan Jelle Keppler // Діалог культур як виклик часу : матеріали щорічної наук. міждисциплінарної конф. "Духовні аспекти сучасного світорозуміння", присвяченій 128-річниці пам'яті О. П. Блаватської, 120-річчю НТУ "Дніпровська політехніка", 8 травня 2019 р., м. Дніпро. – Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2019. – С. 80-82.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThis question occupies many people who have begun their journey of enlarging the consciousness into the world of truth and spirituality. The way in which the question is formulated is from the point of view of the vegetarian. It is a question inviting to self-reflection. Explanations have to be given about the motives of one who lives on a vegetarian diet. This question could have been formulated in another way as "Why not to be vegetarian? " It would then have been the question posed by the non-vegetarian, who has not yet seen sufficient reasons to change his habits of meat eating.ru_RU
dc.publisherНТУ "ДП"ru_RU
dc.titleWhy to be vegetarian?ru_RU

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