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dc.contributor.authorSoloviev, Alexander
dc.identifier.citationSoloviev A. Start-up projects in Russia and Ukraine / Alexander Soloviev // Основний дохід: теорія і практика : матеріали міжнар. наук. семінару, 5 – 6 травн. 2020 р., м. Дніпро. – Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2020. – С. 109-112.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIn April 2019, non-cash money payments to participants' bank cards began without any conditions, which were made monthly for 3 months in three regions of Russia: Moscow, Moscow Region and Buryatia. The recipients were 8 people: parents with many children and retirees. Payments amounted to 5,000 - 6,500 rubles per month per person. Sources of payments - private donations. The scientific partner of the experiment is the Institute of Socio-Economic Population Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which developed questionnaires for the main income recipients. An anonymous survey of pilot participants was carried out at the beginning of the project launch and after it. We studied the effect of basic income on the recipients’ well-being, their mental and physical health.ru_RU
dc.publisherНТУ "ДП"ru_RU
dc.subjectконцепція основного доходуru_RU
dc.subjectконцепция базового доходаru_RU
dc.subjectполітичний проектru_RU
dc.subjectпілотний проектru_RU
dc.titleStart-up projects in Russia and Ukraineru_RU

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