Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.authorKuznetsov, V.
dc.contributor.authorKuznetsova, A.
dc.contributor.authorTryputen, M.
dc.identifier.citationKuznetsov V. Improving the reliability of simulating the operation of an induction motor in solving the technical and economic problem/ V. Kuznetsov, A. Kuznetsova, M. Tryputen // Молодь: наука та інновації : матеріали 9-ої всеукр. наук.-техн. конф. студентів, аспірантів і молодих учених, м. Дніпро, 11-12 листопада 2021 р. – Дніпро : НТУ ДП, 2021.- С. 232-233uk_UA
dc.description.abstractNoisy electricity within workshop networks of industrial enterprises affects unfavorably the performance of electromechanical transducers, i.e. asynchronous alternating-current motors. Unsymmetry and anharmonicity of three-phase networks as well as their harmonic components result in the increased temperature of the motor windings; the decreased power coefficient and efficiency; the increased amount of reactive power being consumed; and the reduced service life. The above-mentioned worsens operational capability along with the electric equipment reliability while reducing the performance efficiency on the whole.uk_UA
dc.publisherНТУ ДПuk_UA
dc.subjectinduction motoruk_UA
dc.subjectelectric equipmentuk_UA
dc.titleImproving the reliability of simulating the operation of an induction motor in solving the technical and economic problemuk_UA

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Показати скорочений опис матеріалу