Boundary parameters of mining concentration to extract adjacent seams in the Western Donbass

Buzilo, V. I.
Vasyliev, V. Ye.
Yavorska, O. O.
Yavorskyi, A. V.
Tokar, L. O.
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The monographs concerns problems substantiating parameters of concentration of extraction and development operations to mine two adjacent seams with the advanced overworking under the conditions of the Western Donbas mines. Boundary-element method has been applied to evaluate effect of simultaneous extraction of two adjacent seams on the stress-strain state of rock mass in terms of the advanced overworking. Calculation results of the algorithm have been generalized and represented in the form of ratios characterizing regularities of rock pressure manifestation in the process of extraction of adjacent seams under the analyzed mining and geological conditions. The derived dependencies help identify safe distance between development mine workings and mining operations of the adjacent seams. For students; engineers and technicians; staff members of higher educational institutions, research institutions, and developers of coal industry.
- РВВ-2021 [19]