Manifestation of the phenomenon of coal enrichment with germanium of low-powered areas of the seams of the Dniprovska mine (Ukraine) and the «Zylbermints law»

Ishkov, Valerii Valeriiovych
Kozii, Yevhen Serhiiovych
Chernobuk, Oleksandr Ivanovych
Kozar, Mykola Аntonovych
Pashchenko, Pavlo Serhiiovych
Diachkov, Pavlo Anatoliiovych
Vladyk, Danyil Volodymyrovych
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The study of the germanium distribution over the area and in the cross-section of coal seams с8н, с8в, с10в of the "Dniprovska" mine made it possible to establish the presence of a very high inverse correlation between the thickness of the seams and their germanium content; the presence of zones of Ge enrichment with a thickness of 10–30 cm at the contacts of the layers. This made it possible to explain in geochemical terms the joint manifestation of the phenomenon of germanium enrichment in low-powered areas and the "Zilberminets law" in the seams of the Dniprovska mine.