On the issue concerning improvement of a mud preparation technology at the expense of hydrodynamic cavitation

Kamyshatskyi, O.
Koroviaka, Ye.
Rastsvietaiev, V.
Yavorska, V.
Dmytruk, O.
Kaliuzhna, T.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Purpose is to improve the technology of drilling mud by applying hydrodynamic cavitation.
Research methodology is represented by the theoretical and experimental studies of hydrodynamic cavitation, performed with the help of modern methods of analytical analysis and experimental
studies, i.e. by using general principles of mathematical and physical modeling, methods of processing research results in EXCEL, SolidWorks for further analysis.
Research results. Frequency of cavitation oscillations according to the parameters of a device for creating hydrodynamic cavitation has been calculated. The formula for determining the dispersion
time of the washing liquid material by the frequency of cavitation oscillations has been theoretically
substantiated and obtained. A process of moving drilling fluid in the device using the appropriate
software in the SolidWorks package has been studied. The results of theoretical research have been
confirmed by practical research and chosen as a basis for substantiation and development of the methods for preparing drilling fluids.