Technology for increasing the level of environmental safety of iron ore mines with use of emulsion explosives

Khomenko, Oleh
Kononenko, Maksym
Myronova, Inna
Kovalenko, Ihor
Cabana, Edgar Cáceres
Dychkovskyi, Roman
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Laboratory and industrial studies have established the total impact of environmentally hazardous substances, taking into account the distance from the source of emissions and the specific consumption of explosives. With the help of physicochemical analysis and biological testing, the dependence of the change in the conditional indicator of damage to bioindicators with an increase in the distance from the source of emission and the specific annual consumption of explosives was revealed. A methodology for calculating the environmental assessment of the state of atmospheric air around the mine ventilation shaft has been developed. The exponential dependence of the influence of surface concentrations of environmentally hazardous substances on the damage of bioindicators at the cellular and organismic levels has been established, which makes it possible to assess the state of atmospheric air at industrial sites of iron ore mines. The proposed technology of sand drilling, which involves the use of emulsion explosives in mining ore deposits in chamber development systems will reduce emissions of environmentally hazardous substances into the atmosphere and increase the level of environmental safety of iron ore mines.