Results of the correlation analysis of the relationship between germanium, beryllium and fluorine in the coal seam c8в of the "Dniprovska" mine of Western Donbas

Chernobuk, Oleksandr
Kozii, Yevhen
Ishkov, Valerii
Isakova, M. L.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The general relevance of research of germanium content in coal seams is explained by the possibility of its industrial extraction and use as a valuable accompanying component. Currently, coal deposits are considered as the most important mineral raw material base for the industrial production of germanium. Special relevance of the performed research provides a solution of the National
Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated July 16, 2021 "About stimulation of the search, extraction and enrichment of minerals that have strategic importance for the sustainable development and defense capability of the state" and Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 306/2021, which introduces this solution into effect. In these documents, germanium ores are included in the list of strategic importance for the sustainable development and defense capability of the state.