About relationship between "total content of metals" indicator and the concentration of paraffins, resins and asphaltenes in oils from the deposits of the Eastern oil and gas-bearing region of Ukraine

Kozii, Yevhen
Dreshpak, Oleksandr
Koroviaka, Mariia
Ishkov, V. V.
Isakova, M. L.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Scientific interest in the question of the accumulation and migration of metals in oil is connected with the possibility of their industrial extraction in the process of oil refining and the purpose of further realization as a concomitant raw material, actual scientific and technical questions of the genesis of hydrocarbons, as well as the possibility of determining the environmental risks of using this oil as raw materials for the production of oil products and, first of all, gasoline and diesel fuel.