Justification of the Calculation Method for Cylindrical Drums of Mine Hoisting Machines
Zabolotnyi, K. S.
Symonenko, V. V.
Panchenko, O. V.
Rutkovskiy, M. A.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The paper presents the results of research aimed at substantiating and developing a method for determining the design loads when winding a rope on a cylindrical drum of mine hoisting machines, taking into account the influence of the geometric and strength characteristics of its reinforced structure and the change in the stress-strain state that occurs there under the influence of rope turns. It is proved for the first time that by determining the average values of stresses in the structurally orthotropic shell of the drum, it is possible to select data for further refined calculation of its parameters by the FEM method. A methodology for calculating drums of non-standard designs of mine hoisting machines has been developed and substantiated on the example of the drum of the TsR-6.75×6.2/1.95 machine. The error of the method of simplified calculation: the method of averaging with increased thickness of the lobes is estimated.
For students, teachers, engineers, technicians, scientists and designers involved in heavy engineering.
- Монографїі [39]