Innovative methods of teaching and harmonization of educational standards in the sphere of computing

Alekseyev, M. A.
Chernyshenko, V. S.
Loza, T. J.
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Competence-based approach to education (unlike traditional qualification) reflects requirements not only to the
content of education, but also to a behavioral component. Recommendations about drawing up curricula for training
of specialists in the computing sphere are considered. New pedagogical methods, proposing creative combination of
the theory and practice which is reached in the course of direct professional activity are analyzed. The analysis of
the problems arising at creation of educational standards is also given. It has shown that professional standards are
primary link in high-quality training of various areas of economy specialists (including for computing area), and
also ensuring their competitiveness have to be a basis for their development. Thus, problems when developing
professional standards complicate prospect of harmonization of professional and educational standards which
demands necessary methodological, methodical and expert completion at the first design stage.