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dc.contributor.authorGayday O.-
dc.descriptionFields which are presented by storages coal tailings occupy the huge space that leads to alienation of agricultural grounds and notable deterioration of an ecological situation of territories. But quantity of useful combustible components, in such storages of tailings, about 20-75% which can be overworked in fuel make. In this case the actual industrial and social problem of consumption in additional firm fuel and decrease in an environmental pressure of regions where underground mining of coal fields is conducted is solved. As effective processing of energy resources and reduction to technical requirements it is offered to technology of a preforming adhesive and chemical (Gayday 2006).uk_UA
dc.description.sponsorshipне маєuk_UA
dc.publisherAnnual Scientific-Technical Collection. Leiden, The Netherland. – Press/Balkemauk_UA
dc.subjectCoal tailings, physical-mechanical parameters, disperse systemuk_UA
dc.titleResearches of structural-mechanical properties of coal tailings as disperse systemsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра гірничої інженерії та освіти

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Researches of structural-mechanical properties 2013.pdfJustification of physic mechanical parameters of preforming composite fuel requires research of structural and mechanical properties of coal tailings as disperse systems. Researches were conducted by means of methods of measurement of structural and mechanical properties of disperse systems. Coal tailings (fraction of 0-1 mm) as the disperse breeds including a disperse phase and the disperse environment, represent the system based on physical and chemical interaction of its components. Existence of structure gives to system peculiar mechanical properties. These properties – elasticity, durability, plasticity, viscosity – depend on the chemical nature of the substances forming this system; decide by molecular forces of adhesion between structure elements, their interaction on the dispersive environment and extent of development of structure in all volume of system. Therefore the improvement of structural and mechanical properties necessary for process of their preforming demands research.266,66 kBAdobe PDFЕскіз

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