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dc.contributor.authorZhmurenko, O. G.-
dc.contributor.authorKhomenko, V. L.-
dc.identifier.citationZhmurenko O. G. Implosion method for stimulation of inflow for oil and gas wells / Zhmurenko O. G., Khomenko V. L. // Молодь: наука та інновації : матеріали ХІ Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції студентів, аспірантів та молодих вчених, Дніпро, 22–24 листопада 2023 року. – Дніпро : НТУ ДП, 2023. – Т. 2. – С. 346-347.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractA serious problem when drilling oil and gas wells is the violation of the reservoir properties of the productive formation. This occurs as a result of the penetration of particles of destroyed rock and washing fluid into the formation, as well as plastering of the well walls. All this leads to a decrease in flow rate, a reduction in the drainage area and the service life of the well. The consequence of this is additional time and money spent on repair work, an increase in the cost of operating the well, and breakdowns of pumping equipment.uk_UA
dc.subjectreservoir propertiesuk_UA
dc.titleImplosion method for stimulation of inflow for oil and gas wellsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Секція 10 – SPE Student Section. Petroleum Engineering

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