Жанрово-естетичні модуси новітнього роману у віршах
У статті розглянуто жанрові особливості сатиричного роману у віршах Романа Пастуха
«Грім» (2002), що має саркастичний, осудливий пафос та викривальний тон. Акцентовано
на містичності образу Івана Грома, героя УПА, який втілює невмирущість духу
українського народу. Герой воскрес і викриває всі суспільні негаразди в незалежній
Україні, і як висновок – немудрі сучасники байдужі до минулого й національної пам’яті. The genre peculiarities of Roman Pastukh’s satiric novel in verse “Thunder” (если это как
фамилия, то “Grim”) (2002), which has the sarcastic, critical pathos and denunciative tone, are
studied in the following article. The emphasis is put on the mysticalness of the character of Ivan
Grim, the hero of UPA, who personifies the undying spirit of the Ukrainian people, he is
resurrected and he reveals all social issues in independent Ukraine, with particular pain he talks
about how the posterity neglects both “places of memory” and “heroes” (P. Nora).
The novel in verse (“Grim”) consists of four parts, “journeys”, which are made by the
hero of UPA, he makes his journey around all the instances of Ukrainian government, from
countryside, district, regional to national, to the President to certify his person, to get the
certificate to live in Ukraine. The satire of the novel is focused on the negative spread of the
bureaucratic despotism and injustice through the repulsive depiction of morbid phenomena in the
life of the country, and the assistance in their overcoming by means of sarcasm, irony, grotesque.
The work was written in 2002, but problems covered in it then are actual today. The author
mocks both social and human defects of the government, proves that moral-ethic norms form not
a man with a new type of consciousness, but a mass consumer, who is typologically similar to
the social phenomenon of the “soviet man”. As a conclusion – unwise actions are indifferent to
the past and the national memory.
Author’s individual novelty, constructive features of the satire are defined in the article
alongside with the typological comparison to T. Shevchenko’s poem “Dream” that has been