Browsing Збірник наукових праць НГУ by Title
Now showing items 12-31 of 1161
Deep-water organic-mineral sediments of the black sea as the object of mining and dewatering
(2014)The results of laboratory investigations of grain-size, physical, mechanical and rheological properties of the deep-sea organic-mineral sediments sampled from the depth of 1,920 – 2,150 m at the polygon “Sapropels” in the ... -
Definite oeculiarities of toxic and potentially toxic elements distribution in coal seams of Pavlograd-Petropavlovka region
(2013)Викладені методики та результати визначення складу геохімічних тапарагенетичних асоціацій токсичних елементів в основних робочих пластах Павлоград Петропавлівського району Західного Донбасу, факторного та кластерного аналізу ... -
Determination of the influence of the degree of fracturing of the rock mass on the index of reduction of its strength
(2023)Purpose. The purpose of research of the presented scientific publication is to establish the regularity of changes in the generalized coefficient of strength reduction of disturbed rock massif depending on the degree of ... -
Development of computational algoritms to simulate frictional contact oscillating processes
(2014)Для разработки вычислительного алгоритма решения динамических задач с трением используется вариационный подход. Дискретизация вариационных задач по времени производилась на основе двух- и трехслойных разностных схем. ... -
Dynamics of loess mass deformations due to technogenic load
(2014)По результатам анализа энергетических и фильтрационных свойств техногенно нагруженного лессового массива определен интервал глубин, и геологические слои, характеризующиеся наиболее интенсивным развитием деформационных ... -
Electric road vehicles - overview, concepts and research at Reutlingen university
(2011)The paper details the architecture of fully electrified vehicles as well as their new electronic systems. Examples of up-to-date electrical passenger cars are given. A very important question, that is the environmental ... -
Empirical definition of the shearing angle and chip-edge contact length when cutting
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2020)Simplification of shearing angle determination during chip formation and improving the determination of chip-edge contact length with the corresponding derivation of new calculation empirical formulas. -
Estimation of parameters of gas storage operation in inhomogeneous aquifers
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2022)The purpose of the article is development and testing of a mathematical model of gas storage in a layered aquifer with a low permeability interlayer for a case of plane-parallel and axial-symmetric filtration. Methodology. ... -
Features of formation of technogenic limestone deposits
(2018)Segregation laws become important in the formation of man-made deposits. The theoretical basis of the physical mechanism of the phenomenon of segregation of the rock mass in the formation of dumps and the storage of minerals ... -
Identification of the thermal process in an induction motor
(2022)Scientific novelty: A methodology for determining losses in an asynchronous motor using a synthesized mathematical model is proposed, taking into account the influence of changes in the quality of electricity on the ... -
Improvement of the ball mill automation and optamization system for solid material grinding
(2012)В статье представлена усовершенствованная система автоматизации и оптимизации шаровых барабанных мельниц, обеспечивающая непрерывный мониторинг размольной, вентиляционной и сушильной производительности и оптимизацию загрузки ... -
Influence of breakages of cable groups on strength of rubber-cable tractive-transporting element
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2021)A model of a flat rubber-cable tractive-transporting element with random locations of breakages of cable groups in different cross-sections is developed. Expressions that allow determining a stress-strain state of a flat ... -
Innovation approaches in seismic microzonation tailing dump designing
(2013)Рассматриваются современные подходы оценки влияния локальных условий на сейсмическую опасность территорий. На примере хвостохранилищ горно-обогатительных комбинатов показано, что привлечение цифровых моделей среды и расчетных ... -
Introduction of a jet pump dredger equipped with an innovative suction head
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2022)The purpose of the article is performing full-scale experimental studies of the JPD 300-120 ejector suction dredger equipped with an innovative soil suction head with a jet disintegrator system. Methodology. Consists in ... -
Investigation and substantiation of efficiency of working out of a draft with dragline from one position with moving of a ground to an angle to 220 degrees at working out of smooth deposits
(2018)Визначено оптимальні параметри елементів системи розробки пологих родовищ вогнетривких глин із застосуванням драглайна ЕШ 10/70 (ЕШ 11/70) з одного робочого положення при підготовці пласта корисної копалини до виймання. ... -
Mathematical model of pressure and temperature distribution in working area of mine locomotive disc brake
(2023)Purpose. Calculate the coordinates of the maximum temperature and the greatest pressure on the working surface for the rational parameters of the main elements of the disc brake of the mine locomotive with a multi-sector ... -
Mathematical substantiation of mine locomotive braking efficiency under pulsiting braking torque
(2023)A comparative analysis of a mine locomotive braking by a disc brake, which creates a constant and pulsating sinusoidal braking torque with a different number of sinusoid periods per revolution of the wheel pair, is carried ... -
Mechanism of explosive cavity fillinf by structure-forming material
(2012)Vertical cavity formation near the free surface with its simultaneous filling by structure-forming material is considered. Possibilities and features using oscillatory occurrences near an explosion site to control the ... -
Metallographic analysis of potential areas of destruction initiation of the zone of thermal impact of low-carbon steels after laser welding
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2021)The work investigates the detection of dangerous areas of the zones of thermal impact on the basis of the research of welding joint structure formation after laser welding of low-carbon steels 09Mn2Si, 10CrNiCu, 10Mn2VNb. ... -
Modified algorithm of automatic temperature control in an electric resistance furnace for metal heat treatment
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2022)The purpose is to improve the quality of heat treatment of metal in electric resistance furnaces by improving automatic temperature control in the furnace. The main quality criteria of the automatic control system is the ...