Browsing Збірник наукових праць НГУ by Title
Now showing items 29-48 of 1183
Mathematical model of pressure and temperature distribution in working area of mine locomotive disc brake
(2023)Purpose. Calculate the coordinates of the maximum temperature and the greatest pressure on the working surface for the rational parameters of the main elements of the disc brake of the mine locomotive with a multi-sector ... -
Mathematical substantiation of mine locomotive braking efficiency under pulsiting braking torque
(2023)A comparative analysis of a mine locomotive braking by a disc brake, which creates a constant and pulsating sinusoidal braking torque with a different number of sinusoid periods per revolution of the wheel pair, is carried ... -
Mechanism of explosive cavity fillinf by structure-forming material
(2012)Vertical cavity formation near the free surface with its simultaneous filling by structure-forming material is considered. Possibilities and features using oscillatory occurrences near an explosion site to control the ... -
Metallographic analysis of potential areas of destruction initiation of the zone of thermal impact of low-carbon steels after laser welding
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2021)The work investigates the detection of dangerous areas of the zones of thermal impact on the basis of the research of welding joint structure formation after laser welding of low-carbon steels 09Mn2Si, 10CrNiCu, 10Mn2VNb. ... -
Modified algorithm of automatic temperature control in an electric resistance furnace for metal heat treatment
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2022)The purpose is to improve the quality of heat treatment of metal in electric resistance furnaces by improving automatic temperature control in the furnace. The main quality criteria of the automatic control system is the ... -
New data on halloysite of Ukraine
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2021)A rare chromium-containing variety of halloysite has been identified in the weathering crust of the Derenyukhinskiy gabbro-peridotite massif. Its remarkable features are blue colour, Cr2O3 content in the amount of up to ... -
Numerical simulation of an external ballistic problem using analytical approach and atmosphere flow visualization by finite element method
(2023)Purpose. Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the cargo in the presence of the speed of its carrier, taking into account the influence of the external environment and the determination of factors that affect the ... -
Numerical simulation of polluted air suction near the road
(2018)Development of 2D numerical model, which allows quick computation of polluted air suction near the road. The purpose of the work is development of the fast calculating CFD model which takes into account the meteorological ... -
On the issue concerning improvement of a mud preparation technology at the expense of hydrodynamic cavitation
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2022)Purpose is to improve the technology of drilling mud by applying hydrodynamic cavitation. Research methodology is represented by the theoretical and experimental studies of hydrodynamic cavitation, performed with the help ... -
Optimization of contact stresses in shoe brakes of mine hoisting machines
(2024)Originality. The proposed analytical model is based on the Winkler elastic foundation involving variable stiffness parameters, which provides high accuracy in modeling the actual physical characteristics of the braking ... -
Optimization of product processing modes in modeling and programming of machining on machine tools with program control
(2023)Numerical research results have been obtained for a scientifically based approach to solving the technical problem of high-performance turning of cast iron parts on multi-axis machining centers, which contains a set of ... -
Parameters of anchoring systems for fastening of inclined workings
(2019)Purpose is to analyze a state of the boundary rock mass of an inclined anchored working with the use of mathematical modeling methods and to determine rational anchoring parameters as well as length of the anchors if they ... -
Recycling of multilayer polymer packaging doypack
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2022)The purpose of this work is to study the range of polymer multilayer composite packaging doypack in retail chains and finding possible ways to solve the problem of its recycling. Methodology. Research on the range of polymer ... -
Research and synthesis of the automatic temperature control system of the heat medium in the cooking boiler for the manufacture of fruit jam
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2022)The purpose is to improve the quality of the process of heating fruit jams in the boiler through the improvement of the algorithm of automatic control of the temperature of the heat medium in the steam jacket. The main ... -
Research and synthesis of the automatic water level control system of the mine water tank according to the criterion of minimizing the dispersion of fluctuations of power consumption
(Видавництво НТУ "ДП", 2022)The purpose is to increase the efficiency of the process of automatic control of the water level in the mine reservoir due to the improvement of the automatic control algorithm. The main indicator of the quality of the ... -
Seismic coherence measure in presence of residual trace-to-trace time delay variations
(2015)В работе после сопоставительного анализа меры когерентности и предполагаемой модели сейсмической записи предложен новый метод оценки когерентности. Метод обеспечивает большую чувствительность когерентности в ... -
Self-adjusting filling control system for self-grinding drum mills
(2022)Scientific novelty. A new approach is proposed using an adaptive control system to regulate the degree of filling of autogenous ores mills, based on the use of the method of auxiliary operators. Practical significance. ... -
Simulation of aeration tank work
(2018)Разработана численная модель для оценки эффективности работы аэротенка. Модель основана на применении уравнений гидродинамики и массопереноса. При моделировании очистки сточных вод в аэротенке учитываются биологические ... -
Simulation of ground waters pollution near pools with mine wastewaters
(2018)Разработана численная модель для быстрого расчета процесса загрязнения подземных вод возле прудов – накопителей шахтных вод. Построенная модель, основана на уравнениях фильтрации и геомиграции. Для численного ... -
Substantiation of the method of determination the open-cast mine final con-tours taking into account the transport parameters
(2019)Purpose. Development and justification of the methodology for setting the boundary contours of the quarry and the payback period of capital investments for the development of the deposit in an open way, taking into account ...