Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Geo-energetics of Ukrainian crystalline shield
Purpose. To develop an analytical method which allows investigating the energy condition of rocks within the Ukrainian Crystalline shield.
Methodology. Analytical research on the energy condition of rocks has been conducted ...
Enhancement of confined blasting of ore
Underground mining of ore deposits features worsening of geological and geotechnical conditions, exclusive standards of environmental protection and subsoil conservation as well as more stringent requirements of life safety ...
Safe development of the decorative jaspilites in the energetically disturbed massifs
(Occupational Safety in Industry, 2018)
Investigations were conducted in the field of the development of the decorative jaspilites in the energetically disturbed zones of massifs based on the results of the analysis of the rock pressure energy manifestation ...
Substantiation of technologies and technical means for disposal of mining and metallurgical waste in mines
The object of research is environmental and resource-saving technologies in underground mining of mineral deposits with the laying of the developed space. One of the most problematic places is the delivery of hardening ...
Justification of safe underground development of mountain deposits of complex structure by geophysical methods
The object of research is the technology and technical means for underground mining of ores in energy disturbed massifs of complex structure. One of the most problematic areas is the formation of man-made voids, which ...
Evaluation of efficiency and environmental safety of leaching metals from ore: ways of development and prospects
The object of research is traditional mining technologies and technical means in combination with underground block leaching (UBL) of metals from rock ores with their preliminary crushing with explosives in installations ...
Geodynamic safety when increasing the depth of underground mining of ore deposits
(МГТУ, 2018)
Statement of the problem (relevance of the paper): the paper describes main scientific and practical results of studies on increasing geodynamic safety, while increasing the depth of underground mining of ore deposits, ...