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Forum18_2023-96-98.pdf.jpg2023Specifics of the mineral composition of small urinary stones from the collection of Professor Serhiy BarannikVladyk, Danyil; Kozii, Yevhen; Ozerianska, Kateryna; Ishkov, V. V.; Isakova, M. L.
Forum18_2023-60-63-1.pdf.jpg2023About relationship between "total content of metals" indicator and the concentration of paraffins, resins and asphaltenes in oils from the deposits of the Eastern oil and gas-bearing region of UkraineKozii, Yevhen; Dreshpak, Oleksandr; Koroviaka, Mariia; Ishkov, V. V.; Isakova, M. L.
Forum18_2023-41-43.pdf.jpg2023Results of the correlation analysis of the relationship between germanium, beryllium and fluorine in the coal seam c8в of the "Dniprovska" mine of Western DonbasChernobuk, Oleksandr; Kozii, Yevhen; Ishkov, Valerii; Isakova, M. L.
KorotkovaD_Zheldak.pdf.jpg2023Systems development life cycleKorotkova, Daryna; Zheldak, T.A.; Zuyenok, I.I.
OmelyanovD_ShevchenkoY.pdf.jpg2023Artificial intelligence: an addition for programmers or their complete replacementOmelyanov, Dmytrii; Shevchenko, Y. O.; Kostrytska, S. I.
NebatovK_ShevchenkoY.pdf.jpgкві-2023System analysis as a direction in the study of control processesNebatov, Kyrylo; Shevchenko, Y. O.; Kostrytska, S. I.
кві-2024Розширюючи обрії: зб. тез дев’ятнадцятого міжнар. форуму студ. і молодих учених, 8 – 12 квітня 2024 р., м. Дніпро/ за ред. С. І. Кострицької; М-во освіти і науки України; Дніпровська політехніка. – Д.: ДП, 2024. – 270 с.Кострицька, С. І.
кві-2024Impact of Data Analytics on Labor Market and BusinessLytvynenko, Veronika; Shevchenko, Y.O.; Kostrytska, S.I.