Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14
Попередній перегляд | ???itemlist.dc.date.accessioned??? | Назва | Автор(и) |
 | 4-жов-2016 | The impact of vibration mechanism’ installation place on the process of retrieving stuck drill pipe | Moisyshyn, V; Levchuk, K |
 | 4-жов-2016 | Technological complex for production, transportation and storage of gas from the offshore gas and gas hydrates fields | Pedchenko, М; Pedchenko, L |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Numerical modelling of massif zonal structuring around underground working | Kononenko, M; Khomenko, O; Sudakov, A; Drobot, S; Lkhagva, Ts |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Mechanism of magnetic field effect on hydrocarbon systems | Manhura, A; Manhura, S |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Energy indicators of the rescue units members | Alekseienko, S; Zavialov, G; Shaikhlislamova, I |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Failure criteria for structurally heterogeneous materials | Shashenko, O; Kovrov, O; Rakishev, B |
 | 30-вер-2016 | The results of magnetic separation use in ore processing of metalliferous raw basalt of Volyn region | Malanchuk, Ye; Malanchuk, Z; Korniienko, V; Gromachenko, S |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Regularities of surface subsidence and rocks displacement within the boundaries of local workings | Antoshchenko, M; Mel’nik, V; Filatiev, M; Dubovyk, A |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Determination of basic calculation and experimental parameters of device for bore hole cleaning | Davydenko, O; Ratov, B; Ighnatov, A |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Method of simulating rock mass stability in laboratory conditions using equivalent materials | Stupnik, M; Kalinichenko, V; Pysmennyi, S; Fedko, M; Kalinichenko, O |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Features of setting up a complex, combined and zero-waste gasifier plant | Tabachenko, M; Saik, P; Lozynskyi, V; Falshtynskyi, V; Dychkovskyi, R |
 | 30-вер-2016 | Estimation of corrosion resistance of curing mixtures based on coal-bearing rocks from Western Donbass | Kovalenko, V; Harkusha, V |
 | 29-вер-2016 | Designing cutting tools of mining machines for coal auger mining | Krasnyk, V |
 | 29-вер-2016 | Numerical methods of geomechanics tasks solution during coal deposits’ development | Bondarenko, V; Hardygora, M; Symanovych, H; Sotskov, V; Snihur, V |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 1 до 14 з 14