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dc.contributor.authorParshkina, Daria-
dc.contributor.authorMieshkov, V.I.-
dc.contributor.authorGubkina, V.V.-
dc.identifier.citationParshkina D. Single Register of Internet Shops / Daria Parshkina, V. I. Mieshkov, V. V. Gubkina // Розширюючи обрії : зб. тез 12-го міжнародного форуму студентів і молодих учених, 20-21 квітня, 2017 р. [Електронний ресурс]. Т. 2. - 2017. - P. 145.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractModern world technology has stepped incredibly far, and now it is an inseparable part of almost everyone's life. This entailed the popularization of Internetsales. And nowadays, such kind of shopping is becoming widespread due to a lot of advantages that can be listed as follows: lower cost of similar goods, order convenience, additional information about the product, and the comfort. However, any innovation always has both positive and negative aspects.ru_RU
dc.publisherВидавництво НГУru_RU
dc.subjectInternet Shopsru_RU
dc.titleSingle Register of Internet Shopsru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:WIDENING OUR HORIZONS : The 12 th International Forum for Students and Young Researchers, April 20-21, 2017, Volume 2

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