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dc.contributor.authorDryzhenko, A. Yu.
dc.contributor.authorShustov, O. O.
dc.contributor.authorAdamchuk, A. A.
dc.identifier.citationDryzhenko A. Yu. Improving the method of open-pit lignite deposit development in Ukraine / Dryzhenko A. Yu., Shustov, O. O., Adamchuk А. А. // Innovate development of resource-saving technologies for mining. Multi-authored monograph. - Sofia : Publishing House “St.Ivan Rilski”, 2018. - pp. 56-79.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractSubject of the research is open-pit mining concerning a full- field industrial development of a number of lignite deposits; feasibility study has been performed for them as for the efficient environmental friendly processing of coal and associated minerals. Objective of the research is to develop both methodology and conceptual approaches to high-productive, economically viable, and environmental friendly methods for open-pit lignite mining in the context of suprasalt depressive basins. Task of the research is to analyze the current state of lignite mining in Ukraine; to characterize a new genetic Ukrainian coal type from geological and industrial viewpoint; to substantiate parameters of lignite open-pit mining on the basis of Novo-Dmytrivka mining and industrial district; to expand the capacities of lignite mining on the basis of Novo-Dmytrivka, Bantysh, Stepkivka, and Bereka deposits; to substantiate the integrated use of diverse rock masses in the context of the national economy; to use lignite in terms of its power; to produce montan wax; to apply sodium humite in the context of agriculture; to use overburden rocks for the construction of bordering dams of powerful water storages; and to develop recommendations concerning the design of Novo-Dmytrivka mining and industrial system with the integrated development of lignite and associated minerals. Methods of the research are: analytical estimation of resources of lignite deposits; geological and engineering-technical analysis; and integrated and feasibility studies of indices of mining and opening operations. Optimization of the process solutions relies upon the analysis of changes in rock mass coefficient use within the open-pit area in the context of complete land reclamation of the disturbed land and the development of new productive land instead of the littered territories. The updated research method is to determine the basic technological parameters of equipment taking into consideration significant water inflow in terms of working areas as well as the inflows effect on the output of the lignite open pit depending upon changes in the depth of mine workings. The carried out research helped study more thoroughly the geological and engineering-technical features of lignite deposits in Ukraine. Their geological structures, coal-bearing capacity and the coal grades, total reserves, and their commercial significance have been determined. Parameters of benches and working sites have been substantiated. The parameters make it possible to decrease the current volume of overburden rock mining and to transfer their maximum values to the final stage of the open pit operation. Rational systems of mining and transportation equipment for the development of the open-pit field in terms of criteria of capacity, efficiency, and power consumption have been substantiated involving different traffic flows of rock mass movement in open pits and at the surface. There were issued recommendations to design the development of Novo-Dmytrivka lignite deposit. Relying upon the analyzed deposits of north-west Donbas, it is expedient to develop the unified coal-mining complex for the processing of lignite and associated minerals to be used by plants of building materials and structures as well as chemical and metallurgical plants as the basic raw material. There has been substantiated a possibility of commercial development of a number of lignite deposits in Ukraine to develop mining and preproduction complex with coal output at the level of 9-10 min t/y and 23-24 min t/y of coaly mass as well as their processing by thermal power station which capacity is 1800-2400 MW; a plant to produce 15 thousand tons of montan wax a year; briquetting factory which capacity is 2 min t/y; and a concrete product plant to manufacture building structures with a capacity of 1 min of m2/y.ru_RU
dc.publisherSofia: Publishing House “St.Ivan Rilski”ru_RU
dc.subjectOpen-pit mining, lignite deposits, overburden rocks, technological parameters of equipment, complex usingru_RU
dc.titleImproving the method of open-pit lignite deposit development in Ukraineru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра відкритих гірничих робіт

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