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dc.contributor.authorMamaikin, O. R.-
dc.contributor.authorPochepov, V. M.-
dc.contributor.authorFomychova, L. Ya.-
dc.contributor.authorDemchenko, Yu. I.-
dc.contributor.authorSylayev, V. I.-
dc.contributor.authorLapko, V. V.-
dc.description.abstractPurpose. To develop a new approach to feasibility assessment mechanism of supporting production facilities of loss-making mines in Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Methods. To solve the objective set, a complex approach was used including as-sessment of enterprise investment attractiveness, determination of production potential, definition of the ability to switch to a break-even mode. The process for planning ways to save the industrial potential of coal-mining regions may be considered as the reflection of multidimensional space (initial and design values) into the one-dimensional (amount of investment money). Findings. It has been established that on the stage of building a model for managing mine unprofitability decrease processes, it is necessary to overview 8-10 factorial features, which may determine the formation of economic potential, taking into consideration peculiarities of remaining deposit bedding and their quality, as integral assessment of mine potential in terms of (state and non-state) investment perception. The objective set comes down to selection of the mini-mum number of factors, which would the most adequately reflect the mine internal potential expressed by economic value added – as a consequence of interaction of factors of coal mine economic activities in specific mining, geological and technological conditions. Originality. The academic novelty is that as a complex component of the state of the loss-making mine, it is reasonable to use an indicator of economic reliability, which synthesizes the capacity of links, economic level of technical and economic indicators and the amount of remaining deposits. The latter determine the residual life of the mine, physical content of the proposed indicators is not identical, and it is this fact, which allows for their joint use to obtain a more complete estimate than when using any single indicator. Practical implications. Practical significance includes actual assessment of the state of Donbass coal enterprises and determination of marginal break-even indicators, which allowed for the formation of recommendations for attracting financial resources.ru_RU
dc.subjectcoal minesru_RU
dc.subjectcoal-mining regionru_RU
dc.titleState support of stability in Coal-Donbas regionsru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра гірничої інженерії та освіти

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