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Назва: Formation of gas hydrates while mine methane extracting and possible methods of the problem solving
Автори: Korovyaka,Ye.A.
Astakhov, V.S.
Tokar, L.A.
Ключові слова: Formation of gas hydrates, Progressively increasing, Inhibitor method
Дата публікації: 2010
Видавництво: Taylor & Francis Group, London
Короткий огляд (реферат): The paper supposes that in some cases formation of gas hydrates can become one of the most important problems while mine methane extracting. On the assumption of studying methods aimed at hydrate control there are identified ways of their adaptation while solving the problem during mine methane extraction. Results of studying conditions under which hydrating takes place will become strategic means against hydrates during accompanying mine methane extraction.
Опис: The paper supposes that in some cases formation of gas hydrates can become one of the most important problems while mine methane extracting. On the assumption of studying methods aimed at hydrate control there are identified ways of their adaptation while solving the problem during mine methane extraction. Results of studying conditions under which hydrating takes place will become strategic means against hydrates during accompanying mine methane extraction.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://nv.nmu.org.ua/index.php/en/authors-and-readers/651-engcat/archive/2010/contents-no-7-8-2010/mining/2712-formation-of-gas-hydrates-while-mine-methane-extracting-and-possible-methods-of-the-problem-solving
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра нафтогазової інженерії та буріння

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