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dc.contributor.authorGoncharuk, Natalia-
dc.contributor.authorPyrohova, Yuliia-
dc.identifier.citationGoncharuk N. An innovative model of human resource administration inthe civil serviceof Ukraine / Natalia Goncharuk, Yuliia Pyrohova // East Journal of Security Studies. – 2020. – Volume 6, Issue 1. – Pp. 98-110.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the research of the modern systemof personnelmanagement in state and local self-government bodies and creation of an innovativemodelofhuman resources management in the public service in Ukraine. It has been establishedthat themodernization of personnel services into personnel management services startedinthepublicauthorities after the approval of the Strategy of the state personnel policy for 2012-2020, theStrategy of reforming the public administration of Ukraine for the period up to 2021andtheadoption of the new Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" and continues today. Analysisoftheexisting personnel management system in state bodies and bodies of local self-government, itsstrengths and weaknesses has identified a number of systemic problems, and also, that todayinUkraine there is no single, legally regulated system of personnel management inthepublicservice in general and of the personnel management system in the sphere of state serviceandservice in bodies of local self-government in particular. A large number of legal documentsgoverns this system and only fragmentary reflected in them. It is proposed, tosolvetheseproblems and improve the management of human resources in the public service inUkraine, tomove from personnel management to a qualitatively new level of service strategic managementof human resources. It have been defined the main purpose, objectives and functionsoftheoffice of strategic human resource management in the public service, and have beendevelopeda model of strategic human resource management in the public service and mechanismsforitsimplementation.uk_UA
dc.subjectуправління персоналомuk_UA
dc.subjectоргани державної владиuk_UA
dc.subjectмісцеве самоврядуванняuk_UA
dc.subjectінноваційна модель управління персоналомuk_UA
dc.subjectдержавна службаuk_UA
dc.subjectдержавне управлінняuk_UA
dc.subjectСтратегія державної кадрової політикиuk_UA
dc.subjectСтратегія реформування державного управління Україниuk_UA
dc.titleAn innovative model of human resource administration inthe civil serviceof Ukraineuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчально-науковий інститут державного управління

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