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dc.contributor.authorMiethlich, Boris-
dc.contributor.authorKvitka, Sergiy-
dc.contributor.authorErmakova, Marina-
dc.contributor.authorBozhko, Lesya-
dc.contributor.authorDvoryankin, Oleg-
dc.contributor.authorShemshurina, Svetlana-
dc.contributor.authorKalyakina, Inessa-
dc.identifier.citationCorrelation of Educational Level, Labor Potential and Digital Economy Development in Slovakian, Ukrainian and Russian Experience / Boris Miethlich, Sergiy Kvitka, Marina Ermakova, Lesya Bozhko, Oleg Dvoryankin, Svetlana Shemshurina, Inessa Kalyakina // TEM Journal. – 2020. – Vol. 9, Iss. 4. – Pp. 1597-1605.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the current paper is to emphasize the role of intellectual labor potential in economy development and digitalization and to explore the features of intellectual work and education as main source and component of the digital information economy. The consequencies of scientific fields representatives’ outflow and low renumeration for such three neighboring contries as Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia are observed; their economic indeces are discussed and compared as for more than 10 past years and the beginning of 2020 year. Slovakian, Ukrainian and Russian digitalization achievements and main benefits of this process were outlined in the global transformation process.uk_UA
dc.subjectdigital economyuk_UA
dc.subjectintellectual laboruk_UA
dc.subjectintellectual capitaluk_UA
dc.subjectintellectual potentialuk_UA
dc.subjectindex of developmentuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomy transformationuk_UA
dc.titleCorrelation of Educational Level, Labor Potential and Digital Economy Development in Slovakian, Ukrainian and Russian Experienceuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчально-науковий інститут державного управління

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