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dc.contributor.authorVladyk, Danyil-
dc.contributor.authorKozii, Yevhen-
dc.contributor.authorOzerianska, Kateryna-
dc.contributor.authorIshkov, V. V.-
dc.contributor.authorIsakova, M. L.-
dc.identifier.citationSpecifics of the mineral composition of small urinary stones from the collection of Professor Serhiy Barannik / Danyil Vladyk, Yevhen Kozii, Kateryna Ozerianska, V. V. Ishkov, M. L. Isakova // WIDENING OUR HORIZONS : with the Abstracts of the 18th International Forum for Students and Young Researchers, April 10-14, 2023, Dnipro. – Dnipro, 2023. – Рp. 96-98.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractMinerals of biogenic origin are integral elements of the structure of many living organisms. Along with genetically determined formations, pathogenic biominerals are also widespread. Among them are, in particular, urinary stones - uroliths, which are a natural consequence of the development of urolithiasis. Due to the fact that in most cases urinary stones are not mono-, but poly-mineral aggregates, for their correct classification and adequate characterization of the type of urolithiasis, it is necessary to account and analyze the specifics of the ontogenesis of all mineral components.uk_UA
dc.subjectmineral composition of small urinary stonesuk_UA
dc.subjectмінеральний склад дрібних сечових каменівuk_UA
dc.subjectмінерали біогенного походженняuk_UA
dc.subjectminerals of biogenic originuk_UA
dc.subjectсечокам’яна хворобаuk_UA
dc.titleSpecifics of the mineral composition of small urinary stones from the collection of Professor Serhiy Barannikuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:WIDENING OUR HORIZONS : the 18th International Forum for Students and Young Researchers, April 10-14, 2023, Dnipro

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