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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorMitsenko, V.-
dc.contributor.authorUdovichenko, H. M.-
dc.identifier.citationMitsenko V. Functions of allusion / Mitsenko V., Udovichenko H. M. //«Наукова весна» 2024 : матеріали 14 Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції аспірантів та молодих вчених, Дніпро, 27-29 березня 2024 року. – Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2024. – С. 217-218.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAllusion as a stylistic device shares an aesthetic-cognitive function common to all stylistic devices, which consists, on the one hand, of gradually revealing the content to the reader, and on the other hand, of influencing his aesthetic feelings with the help of form. One of linguists in his researches admitted that in the case of an allusion, there is a significant advantage in the direction of the cognitive aspect due to the presence of a powerful associative fund, which adds to it an increased semantic load, which was called the hyper semanticization of an allusive word or phrase in artistic text.uk_UA
dc.publisherНТУ ДПuk_UA
dc.subjectstylistic device sharesuk_UA
dc.subjectaesthetic-cognitive functionuk_UA
dc.titleFunctions of allusionuk_UA
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