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dc.contributor.authorDiachenko, G. G.-
dc.contributor.authorAziukovskyi, O. O.-
dc.contributor.authorVizniuk, A. V.-
dc.identifier.citationDiachenko G. G. Predictive rotor flux control for efficient dynamic operation of induction machines / G. G. Diachenko, O. O. Aziukovskyi, A. V. Vizniuk // Енергозбереження та енергоефективність – 2020. Молодь: Наука та Інновації (м. Дніпро, 24 груд. 2020 р.) : міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. – Дніпро : НТУ "ДП", 2020. – С. 45-46.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAutonomous driving electric vehicles will require energy-efficient and cost-effective electric drives. The main task of the control system is to secure the required torque. With a field-orientation induction machine drive, the torque Te depends on the number of pole pairs Zp, the q-axes stator current I1q, and the rotor flux linkage Ψ2. There are two degrees of freedom to adjust the output. The simplest way is to keep the rotor flux constant and alter the stator current in the steady-state [1]. However, the dynamic optimization problem is more complicated since the vehicle’s electric drive constantly changes its operating conditions in real road traffic.uk_UA
dc.subjectrotor flux controluk_UA
dc.subjectelectric vehicleuk_UA
dc.subjectinduction machinesuk_UA
dc.titlePredictive rotor flux control for efficient dynamic operation of induction machinesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра електропривода

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