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dc.contributor.authorLaktionov, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorDiachenko, Grygorii-
dc.contributor.authorKoval, Valerii-
dc.contributor.authorYevstratiev, Mykhailo-
dc.identifier.citationComputer-Oriented Model for Network Aggregation of Measurement Data in IoT Monitoring of Soil and Climatic Parameters of Agricultural Crop Production Enterprises / Ivan Laktionov, Grygorii Diachenko, Valerii Koval, Mykhailo Yevstratiev // Baltic Journal of Modern Computing. – 2023. – Vol. 11, No. 3. – Pp. 500-522.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractCurrently, the development and implementation of infocommunication and computer technologies in agricultural enterprises specialising in the cultivation of grain crops allow the enhancement of their efficiency through online monitoring of distributed parameters of soil and climatic growing conditions. This article is focused on developing scientifically based provisions to enhance the efficiency of IoT systems for agrotechnical monitoring through synthesising the computer-oriented model according to the optimality criterion, which considers the simultaneous influence of the following factors: maximum uptime of hardware and software components, maximum network coverage area and minimum number of wireless sensor modules used. The main outcome of the results obtained is the development of the computer-oriented model of the IoT system based on wireless sensor networks and edge-computing techniques. The proposed model implements adaptive switching of wireless data exchange technologies depending on the distance of message retransmission and aggregation of data at the field level of microprocessor devices.uk_UA
dc.subjectInternet of thingsuk_UA
dc.subjectwireless sensor networkuk_UA
dc.subjectuninterrupted operationuk_UA
dc.subjectcoverage areauk_UA
dc.subjectcomputer-oriented modeluk_UA
dc.titleComputer-Oriented Model for Network Aggregation of Measurement Data in IoT Monitoring of Soil and Climatic Parameters of Agricultural Crop Production Enterprisesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра електропривода

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