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dc.contributor.authorSolyanyk, Lyudmila
dc.descriptionThe article demonstrates results of studies concerning solving strategic problem of innovative reformation of economy both at national level and at regional one based upon intensive search of theoretical evidence and their implementation on the basis of practical measures as for realization of cluster model of regional development and determination of its key sources of financing.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe urgent problems evidence and their implementation on the basis of practical measures as for realization of cluster model of regional development and determination of its key sources of financing.uk_UA
dc.subjectinvestment resources, cluster model, competitiveness of regionuk_UA
dc.titleGrowth of Regional Competitiveness on the Innovation Basis (in Terms of Prydniprovya Region)uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра економічного аналізу та фінансів

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