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Результати 11-20 зі 244.
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07_Zairov, Ravshanova, Karimov.pdf.jpg30-чер-2017Scientific and technical fundamentals for explosive destruction of the mass composed of rocks with different hardnessZairov, Sh; Ravshanova, M; Karimov, Sh
10_Busylo, Savelieva, Serdyuk, Saveliev, Demchenko.pdf.jpg30-бер-2017Study of massif stress-strain state while mining the series of flat strataBusylo, V; Savelieva, T; Serdyuk, V; Saveliev, V; Demchenko, Yu
12_Malanchuk, Korniienko, Malanchuk.pdf.jpg30-бер-2017Results of research into amber mining by hydromechanical methodMalanchuk, Z; Korniienko, V; Malanchuk, Ye
05_Tymoshchuk, Sherstiuk, Niedbalski, Morozova.pdf.jpg30-чер-2017Modeling the drainage facilities operation at the prospective construction site on the Dnipro floodlandTymoshchuk, V; Sherstiuk, Ye; Niedbalski, Z; Morozova, T
13_Fomychov, Pochepov, Fomychova, Lapko.pdf.jpg30-бер-2017Computational model for evaluating the state of geomechanical systems during computing experimentsFomychov, V; Pochepov, V; Fomychova, L; Lapko, V
06_Kovalevska, Symanovych, Barabash, Snihur.pdf.jpg30-бер-2017Research of rock pressure manifestations in rocks of parting during descending and simultaneous mining of C9 and C10Top coal seamsKovalevska, I; Symanovych, H; Barabash, M; Snihur, V
01_Bondarenko, Cherniak, Cawood, Chervatiuk.pdf.jpg30-чер-2017Technological safety of sustainable development of coal enterprisesBondarenko, V; Cherniak, V; Cawood, F; Chervatiuk, V
03_Krukovskyi, Krukovska, Vynohradov.pdf.jpg30-чер-2017Mathematical modeling of unsteady water filtration into anchored mine openingKrukovskyi, O; Krukovska, V; Vynohradov, Yu
09_Mandryk, Pukish, Zelmanovych.pdf.jpg30-бер-2017Formation peculiarities of physical and chemical composition of highly mineralized edge waterMandryk, O; Pukish, A; Zelmanovych, A
07_Chetveryk, Bubnova, Babiy.pdf.jpg30-бер-2017The rate of deformation development in the rock massif on the basis of surveying monitoring on the earth surfaceChetveryk, M; Bubnova, O; Babiy, K