Methodology for Minimization of Information Risks in Case of Firing Private Companies Employees

Goloborodko, Vasilisa
Mieshkov, V.I.
Gubkina, V.V.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Almost each employee of the company owns such important data as
confidential documents, contracts, client database etc. In the case of firing the
employee is possible to take out the data being confidential for the company or create
the information leakage channel. Also one cannot exclude the sabotaging to revenge
of the fired employee connected with destruction or modification of the important
data. Nevertheless, till now in most companies the hiring of the employee is usually
accompanied only by his withdrawal. As a rule in all computer bases the note about
him stays on and he can still use informational resources of the company for his own
purposes. This problem is thrown into sharp relief especially nowadays, since due to
heavy financial position the companies have to recourse to the stuff reduction.