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dc.contributor.authorOsypov, Anatoliy
dc.identifier.citationOsypov A. The formation of the philosophical and anthropological paradigm of spirituality in the western european cultural tradition / Anatoliy Osypov // Питання свідомості в міждисциплінарному вимірі : матеріали щорічної наук. міждисциплінарної конф. "Духовні аспекти сучасного світорозуміння", присвяченій 129-річниці пам'яті О. П. Блаватської, 8 травня 2020 р., м. Дніпро. – Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2020. – С. 113-116.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractHaving ndergone a historical evolution, the philosophical anthropology, at the present stage of its development, requires both the substantial clarification of its own doctrine and the rethinking of its place among other modern philosophical concepts. The globalisation of society life processes is exacerbating the contradictions between the human and the national-cultural priorities in the conditions of competition in all spheres of society functioning: economic, political, cultural, ideological etc. In the general context of the philosophy development, the role of philosophical and anthropological ideas changed and gradually increased according to the stages of society development. The changes and the role increase depend on how the common social and the separate individual phenomena relate to each other.ru_RU
dc.publisherВидавництво НТУ «ДП»ru_RU
dc.titleThe formation of the philosophical and anthropological paradigm of spirituality in the western european cultural traditionru_RU

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