Управління сталим розвитком агломераційних урбосистем на засадах еколого-економічного моніторингу
Дисертаційна робота присвячена формуванню теоретичних положень,
науково-методичних підходів і практичного інструментарію управління сталим
розвитком агломераційних урбосистем на засадах еколого-економічного
Удосконалено визначення агломераційної урбосистеми та поняття «сталий
розвиток агломераційної урбосистеми». Обґрунтовано наукові засади
формування системи еколого-економічного моніторингу стану агломераційних
урбосистем. Удосконалено науково-методичні підходи до розподілу
природоохоронних інвестицій для реалізації заходів екологічної безпеки на
рівні агломераційної урбосистеми та до групування несприятливих чинників
зовнішнього середовища урбосистеми з огляду на пріоритетність нівелювання
негативних ефектів їхньої дії в умовах обмеженості інвестиційних ресурсів.
Обґрунтовано організаційно-правові засади забезпечення досягнення цілей
сталого розвитку шляхом формування національної концепції сталого розвитку
та створення національної системи моніторингу стану навколишнього
середовища. Диссертация посвящена формированию теоретических положений,
научно-методических подходов и практического инструментария управления
устойчивым развитием агломерационных урбосистем на основе эколого-
экономического мониторинга.
Усовершенствовано определение агломерационной урбосистемы и понятие
«устойчивое развитие агломерационной урбосистемы». Обоснованы научные
принципы формирования системы эколого-экономического мониторинга
состояния агломерационных урбосистем. Усовершенствованы научно-
методические подходы к распределению природоохранных инвестиций для
реализации мероприятий экологической безопасности на уровне
агломерационной урбосистемы и к группировке неблагоприятных факторов
внешней среды урбосистемы, учитывая приоритетность нивелирования
негативных эффектов их воздействия в условиях ограниченности
инвестиционных ресурсов. Обоснованы организационно-правовые принципы
обеспечения достижения целей устойчивого развития путем формирования
национальной концепции устойчивого развития и создания национальной
системы мониторинга состояния окружающей среды. The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of theoretical positions,
scientific and methodological approaches and practical tools for managing the
sustainable development of agglomeration of the urban systems on the basis of
ecological and economic monitoring. The paper summarizes the theoretical principles
and methodological approaches to the organization of environmental and economic
monitoring, evaluates the ability of environmental management to determine the
causes of identified environmental changes based on the analysis of the impulsive
forces of such changes, ecosystem load, current state and climatic trends of the
environment, anthropogenic and natural impacts, the way of the response to such
The research about the impact of urbanization processes was made – the impact
in global and local dimensions in the context of ecological conflicts because of the
uneven development of economic, social and ecological subsystems of the cities,
there was also an analysis of the basic cases of the ecological policy of the
sustainable development of Ukrainian cities and the conceptual model of the
agglomeration attractiveness is described. The definition of the agglomeration urban
system was described as a set of nature management institutions at the local
community level. The definition of the sustainable development for the
agglomeration urban system was improved, which is proposed to be considered as a
process of the synergetic integration and the development of the economic, social,
natural, physical subsystems that form an urban settlement as a whole regional
system, taking into account the need to minimize negative externalities from human
activities in this area.
The requirements for the environmental safety of the area where the industrial
enterprises function, are detailed in a form of the precise suggestions for the
environmental strategies of the enterprise development. Such proposals are made by
the specialists with an appropriate technical education, but they are addressed to the
administration of the enterprise or its owners, who may have just a general idea of the
dangerous impact degree on the environment, and also owners often tend to consider
the environmental measures wasteful. Under such conditions, it is advisable to use a
methodology based on a clear structuring of the information about the company's
impact on the environment by the multi-stage identification of the main
environmental pollution elements and how to determine their danger degree. In order
to ensure the environmental safety of agglomeration urban systems and to find out the
priority areas of the environmental investment, there is a procedure for the
environmental safety analysis of the industrial enterprises as a part of the
environmental and economic monitoring according to the classification of harmful
substances by their emissions, and it provides the data of the agglomeration urban
system emissions, their structure and the main pollutants.
It is proposed to improve the system of the ecological and economic
monitoring of the agglomeration urban system, directed toward the ensuring
environmental safety in the area, by identifying the indicators of its current state and
the indicators for the future changes, which will help to achieve the sustainable
development goals, which should include planning, development, operational
improvement and maintenance of the systems that provide energy, water, waste
disposal and transportation.
There is an analysis of the population morbidity and mortality level
dependence on the environmental conditions in Ukrainian cities. The ecological and
economic assessment of the impact of anthropogenic activity consequences on the
ecological condition of the agglomeration urban system is carried out. The work
grounds the scientific and the methodological approach to the distribution of the
environmental investments for the environmental safety measures at the level of the
agglomeration urban system, which allows to determine the features of the
consolidated fundraising at the agglomeration urban system level on the basis of the
public-private partnership. It helps to prove that the population morbidity in the
agglomerations and its oncology caused mortality are closely dependent on the
amount of the investment in the protection of the atmosphere and water environment,
soils, on the biological diversity protection in the industrial regions and the protection
against the radiation pollution.