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dc.contributor.authorOlishevskiy, I.
dc.contributor.authorGusev, O.Yu.
dc.contributor.authorIsakova, M. L.
dc.identifier.citationOlishevskiy I. Automated heat pump heating system using nontraditional energy sources / Illia Olishevskiy, O.Yu. Gusev, M. L. Isakova // Розширюючи обрії : зб. тез шістнадцятого міжнар. форуму студ. і молодих учених, 21-22 квітня 2021 р., м. Дніпро. – Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2021. – С. 215-216.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractHeating systems are one of the most expensive to use fuel and energy resources (not less than 30% of total consumption). This leads to a constant search for various solutions to increase the energy efficiency of heating systems. In addition, air conditioning systems have become widespread. A large amount of thermal energy, calculated in millions of GJ, is wasted into the environment through the outdoor units of air conditioners. This leads to the search for new ways to increase the energy efficiency of heating and air conditioning systems.uk_UA
dc.publisherВидавництво НТУ "ДП"uk_UA
dc.subjectавтоматизована система опаленняuk_UA
dc.subjectтепловий насосuk_UA
dc.subjectнетрадиційні джерела енергіїuk_UA
dc.titleAutomated heat pump heating system using nontraditional energy sourcesuk_UA

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