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dc.contributor.authorPistunov, Ihor
dc.identifier.citationPistunov I. Useful examples optimal solution real financial and economic problems : монографія / Ihor Pistunov ; М-во. освіти і науки України, Нац. гірн. у-нт. – Saarbrucken, Deutschland : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017. – 242 c.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents results of cybernetic approach to optimize production of enterprises, optimize portfolios. receivables enterprises optimal redistribution facilities lease, a portfolio of orders, production reallocation of responsibilities of employees serving the company, developed v-stochastic model of enterprise management natural high risk method of determining the volume of sales of bank assets on incomplete information, corporate utility function, determine the probability of loan default by persons who have no credit history, determining the degree of risk in the calculation of the limit of commercial credit companiesuk_UA
dc.publisherLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishinguk_UA
dc.subjectвиробничий перерозподіл відповідальності працівниківuk_UA
dc.subjectкібернетичний підхідuk_UA
dc.subjectv-стохастична модельuk_UA
dc.titleUseful examples optimal solution real financial and economic problemsuk_UA

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