Modified algorithm of automatic temperature control in an electric resistance furnace for metal heat treatment

Bublikov, A.
Isakova, M.
Nadtochyi, V.
Zybalov, D.
Halchenko, Yu.
Khoroshailov, M.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The purpose is to improve the quality of heat treatment of metal in electric resistance furnaces by improving automatic temperature control in the furnace. The main quality criteria of the automatic control system is the minimization of the metal heating time without exceeding the permissible over-regulation of the transient process at the output of the control system. Research methodology. Provided that the research tasks are solved, the method of computational experiments using specialized computer programs for modeling transient processes in automatic control systems is taken as a basis. When calculating the temperature regulator in the furnace, methods of modern automatic control theory were used. The requirements for the control process and the specifics of the operation of the control object are taken into account. Theoretical research methods (systems analysis and synthesis) were used to study the automatic control system. The research was conducted on the basis of computational experiments using analytical and computerized methods of synthesis of automatic control systems. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the automatic control process was carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics.