Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.authorKhozhylo, Iryna
dc.contributor.authorBorodin, Yevhenii
dc.contributor.authorShevtsov, Vitalii
dc.identifier.citationKhozhylo I. Transformation of the management system in dentistry: European models for Ukraine / Iryna Khozhylo, Yevhenii Borodin, Vitalii Shevtsov // Archiv euromedica. – Vol. 9, Num. 3. – 2019. – P. 5 – 7.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe paper is focused on the problems of the management system transformation in the field of dental health service under the conditions of power decentralization and reforming of the healthcare industry in Ukraine. Theoretical analysis of the main management functions under the conditions of existence of a centralized (Soviet), transitional (centralized with elements of market relations) and decentralized (European, professionally self-governing) models of dental health service to the general public is accomplished. The main differences between the decentralized dental health service management model in European countries and in Ukraine are identified. It is concluded that the transition from a centralized to a decentralized management model improves the quality of dental services and brings closer the living standards of the population of Ukraine to European standards.uk_UA
dc.subjectmanagerial functionsuk_UA
dc.subjectdental health service management modelsuk_UA
dc.subjectEuropean guidelinesuk_UA
dc.subjectmedical self-governmentuk_UA
dc.titleTransformation of the management system in dentistry: European models for Ukraineuk_UA

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Показати скорочений опис матеріалу