Spiral dynamics in the management of sustainable development of society

Ivanova, S.
Romin, A.
Gaynutdinova, L.
Kvitka, S.
Paliukh, V.
Arsawan, IWE
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The article discusses issues related to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development through the prism of the spiral dynamics approach. An example of sustainable models for the implementation of activities in the forestry area and considered inconsistencies in conceptual attitudes necessary to implement such an approach and in the vMems of today. The purpose of this study is consideration of the applied aspects management on the value-based change. As part of the study, an information and management scheme for the forestry industry has been developed, which allows you to see information in the process relationships. General recommendations for the management of values have been developed on a specific example of the forestry industry. Modern society requires specialists of a new formation, able to integrate spiral movements, ready to design new businesses and projects, taking into account the requirements of the 2nd level vMems.