Development of Ukrainian and Global Online Education

Kvitka, Sergiy A.
Yehorova, Valentyna S.
Chepulchenko, Tetiana O.
Taranenko, Mykola M.
Bakhov, Ivan S.
Feshchenko, Elena L.
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The article enlightens the activities of the main public online educational platforms in Ukraine, their role in the modernization of education and their socio-political influence on changes in the state.
Interdependence is observed between the specificity, inherent in different stages of distance education
progress. Problematic issues in the field of innovative educational technologies are highlighted: socialization of students, difficulties in control of their knowledge, metacognitive monitoring of mastering the material by them etc. The degree of organization in operation of electronic cabinets is examined and other measures supposed to introduce the telecommunicative teaching means in Ukrainian higher education.