Information management reducing the risks of agricultural business in organic farming

Ivanova, Svitlana
Kvitka, Sergii
Andrienko, Mykola
Dolhyi, Oleksandr
Dolhyi, Andriy
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The issue of management of the specialized agricultural information with the purpose to reduce risks of agricultural activities in organic farming has been discussed in the article. The aim of the paper is to study the applied aspects of management in the agricultural sector in conditions of digitalization and to identify the peculiarities of information management in the sphere of organic farming organizing being a potential to reduce risks of business’ development and functioning in the agricultural sector. One of the main aspects in this direction is to change the role and methods of information management in the digital society in general, and in the sphere of organic food production in particular. Information and management schemes have been developed during the study that allow considering information in process interconnections. Such approach gives the opportunity to view the general management plan in conditions of digital transformation, and also makes it possible for maximum specialized detailing, which is aimed at the reduction of the number of managerial mistakes and increase of the business performance of the organic farming household.