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dc.contributor.authorПістунов, І. М.
dc.identifier.citationПістунов І. М. Economic Modeling: навч. наоч. посіб. / І. М. Пістунов. – Дніпро : НТУ «ДП», 2022. – 39с. – Англ. мовою.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe subject of economic modeling is mathematical models of real economic objects. The object of study of modeling economics as a discipline is economics and its divisions. The purpose of the manual is to give the reader the opportunity to look at economics through the eyes of a researcher, learn to apply the methodology, techniques and tools of economic and mathematical modeling in theoretical research and use the acquired knowledge in practice.uk_UA
dc.publisherВидавництво НТУ "ДП"uk_UA
dc.subjectmathematical modeluk_UA
dc.subjectматематична модельuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic objectuk_UA
dc.subjectmodel of consumer behavioruk_UA
dc.subjectмодель споживчої економікиuk_UA
dc.subjectproblem of optimal consumer choiceuk_UA
dc.subjectmodel of behavior of producersuk_UA
dc.titleEconomic Modelinguk_UA

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Показати скорочений опис матеріалу